0800 625346 info@makeinsure.co.nz

Health and family insurance providers

Why is Health Cover Important?

Many of us go to the GP when we’re unwell, expecting medications and rest to be handed to us.

But how would you react if you were advised you needed further testing that wasn’t subsidised or paid for by the Government?
All too often, New Zealander’s are faced with paying large medical bills, private care invoices and further expenses when scans, x-rays and specialised testing are needed.
A happy family of four sitting on a couch laughing and smiling
This can sadly deter people from getting the help they need due to the medical costs that they did not account for.

If you were to chip a tooth or were in need of dental work, the price for many to get this done is just too much of a financial strain to bear.

Having Health Insurance allows you the ability to seek further testing, can grant you the privilege of private care, and can cover the financial costs involved with medical testing and specialised care if needed.

In acute circumstances where non-Pharmac drugs is what’s needed, Health Insurance can help cover the cost of these without breaking the bank.

Here at MakeInsure we will ask you the right questions and uncover what is most important to you and your family. It is our duty to customise and cater for your medical needs and concerns.

Private care can be for anyone and everyone, just ask us how, and put you and your family’s health first.

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